Published Papers:
Beyond Unbounded Beliefs: How Preferences and Information Interplay in Social Learning, with Navin Kartik, SangMok Lee, and Tianhao Liu (Econometrica, 2024)
Single-Crossing Differences In Convex Environments, with Navin Kartik and SangMok Lee (Review of Economic Studies, 2023)
Our earlier working paper
Addressing Strategic Uncertainty with Incentives and Information, with Marina Halac and Elliot Lipnowski (AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2022)
Rank Uncertainty in Organizations, with Marina Halac and Elliot Lipnowski (American Economic Review, 2021)
Working Papers:
Evidence and Skepticism in Verifiable Disclosure Games (Revised January 2024) (Conditionally Accepted at Theoretical Economics)
My earlier working paper
Reputational Delegation (Revised April 2022)